Thursday, October 24, 2019

cat command in Linux

cat command: can be used to
1. View contents of file
2. Create files
3. Concatenate files
4. Redirect output.

Examples of Cat :

Display contects of file:-
cat /etc/passwd

View contents of a file:-
cat file1 file2

Create a file :-
cat >testfile

Redirecting output of a file
cat testfile1> testfile2
cat filea fileb > filec

Friday, October 18, 2019

rmdir - command usage

rmdir : This command removes empty directories


 1. To remove single directory

rmdir dir1

2. To remove multiple directories

rmdir dir1 dir2 dir3

3. To direcory , sub direcory if they are empty

rmdir -p dir1/subdir1

Thursday, October 17, 2019

mkdir command usage

mkdir  : Allows to  create single or multiple directories

create one directory

mkdir one 

create three directories in the present directory

mkdir one two three

create directories as per the hierarchy defined

mkdir  -p one/four/six

touch command


touch - creates an empty file 


touch file1.txt

Here create_files.ksh is the file name.

cd - command usage

cd - change directory

1. Go to one directory backwards
cd ..

2. Go to Home directory
cd ~

3. Go to last directory
cd -

4. Go to a particular directory
cd /etc

Monday, October 14, 2019

List out 10 commands which you now in unix/linux ?

cd /directoryname         - change directory
ls -ltr - list files
pwd - present working directory
touch - create an  empty file
mkdir - create a new directory
rmdir - remove an empty directory
rm -rf - remove file forecefully and recursevily
chmod - change file/ directory persmissions
chown - change owner of the file or directory


1. How do you check the list of files and directories timestamp wise ?
   ls -ltr

2. How to check hidden files in  a directory ?
   ls -ltra

3. How to see the long list of files ?

Friday, October 11, 2019

About Me & Contact

About Me: Visit My LinkedIn Profile 

Hello, I am Sambasiva Rao Kesana , Welcome to my blog !

I live in silicon valley of India, Bangalore.
I am a Software Engineer, Blogger, Books Reader , Story Teller, Aspiring Motivational Speaker, Aspiring Product Manager.
I work in an MNC as a Database Developer. I have been working on Oracle SQL, PLSQL, Unix/Linux, Shell Scripting  technologies over the past 9 years. I am going to share in this blog all my learning's from oracle documentation and training materials, experiences while working.

For any suggestions , improvement , request for blog post on a particular topic, you can reach me on

Happy Reading !

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